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  The Hirschy  Web Site

Main Index
    Didja Know?
      (Updated Weekly)

    The Book of Hirschys

    The Game Place

    A Fun Clock!

    List of Area

    The More
      Serious Side

    Awards, Credits,

Other Sites

A Little Bit of Humor
The Rambings of Purehope

Other Goodies

        Visit Arnath
        the Dragon

    Southern California Freeway Rules

    Frame Free Site


We need Old Wives Tales!
We're out of them for
Didja Know?

This site is pretty static right now - not enough hours in the day so it's not being updated.

Please feel free to browse the site - there's still a lot to see.

If you have a suggestions/comments/complaints, please let the Pagemaster know.

If you find a broken link, please let the Pagemaster know.

Oh, By The Way...

A shortcut is the longest distance between two points.
When all else fails, read the instructions.
A specialist is someone brought in at the last minute to share the blame.

For more of the same, see Didja Know? and A Bit of Humor at the left.

The Pagemaster is located in Las Cruces, NM

Click for Las Cruces, New Mexico Forecast

If you need help or have questions, suggestions or comments, please email the Pagemaster.

We support the work of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children


Last Update 12/12/2022



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